Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Teaser Tuesdays ~ Angel Star

'Teaser Tuesday' is a weekly meme hosted by Mizb of Should Be Reading

You can do it!  Here's how:
  • Grab your current read
  • Open to a random page
  • Share a few "teaser" sentences/or a paragraph from somewhere on that page.
  • Share the title and author ~ other 'Teaser Tuesday' participants may want to add your book to their TBR list!
*Be careful not to include SPOILERS!!*

Here is my teaser from Angel Star by Jennifer Murgia

http://thekams.files.wordpress.com/2010/06/angel-star.jpg~page 84: "I watched the clouds stretch across the fading light of the day like elegant fingers, curling and crushing the glow from existence.  Above the trees the sky was already darkening, as though an ink spill was spreading across the heavens, darker than any night I had ever seen.  I took one last look at the blackness that was quickly threading itself into a deep cloud, a blackness that was alive, hovering, waiting.  I ran inside and slammed the door."


  1. Thanks for hosting me as a Teaser Tuesday!

  2. I have this one on my TBR. Plan to read it soon! here's mine for this week!

  3. Very descriptive. Makes me wonder if the clouds will turn into something scary.

    My teaser is here

  4. Excellent teaser, beautiful prose and a book I am adding to my ever growing list. My TT: http://www.rundpinne.com/2010/07/teaser-tuesdays-queen-pin.html
